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Copyright 101: Creative Commons Licenses - A handy toolkit for sharing your works

Writer's picture: Amy NAmy N

Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Picture this: you’ve created the perfect cat video, one that will go down in internet history. But how do you let others use it without losing control? Enter Creative Commons licenses, your handy toolkit for sharing with rules. Think of these licenses as the buffet options at your favorite all-you-can-eat restaurant: some people get a little, some get a lot, and some just stare at the dessert bar.


Why Creative Commons?

Creative Commons (CC) licenses are designed to help creators share their works easily while retaining certain rights. These licenses enable you to specify exactly how others can use your work, making it easier to share and collaborate while ensuring that your contributions are recognized. Essentially, CC licenses simplify the legal complexities of copyright, allowing your creativity to flow more freely and your work to reach a wider audience.

Here below are the six licenses in most frequent use:

Attribution (CC BY): This is the Mr. Congeniality of licenses. You’re saying, “Use my work, remix it, even sell it, just give me a shoutout.” For example, if you’re a photographer and snap a killer sunset, under CC BY, bloggers, designers, and even your Aunt Sally can use your photo, as long as they credit you. It's like leaving your phone number at a party—everyone can call, but they have to remember your name.

Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA): Sharing is caring with this one. Others can use and tweak your work, but they must license their new creations under the same terms. It’s like bringing homemade cookies to a potluck and making sure everyone shares their recipes, so the cookie love keeps spreading. Wikipedia loves this one, ensuring knowledge remains open and tweakable.

Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND): This one says, “Look but don’t touch.” People can share your work, but they can't change it. Imagine writing an emotional blog post about your cat, Mr. Fluffy. With CC BY-ND, fans can share your heartfelt tribute, but no one can remix it into a meme without your say-so. Your words, your rules.

Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC): Feel free to use my stuff, just don’t make money off it. This is perfect for those who want to share their work widely but not see it used in a commercial. Picture creating a beautiful watercolor painting of a landscape. Students can use it for school projects, but a company can’t slap it on a mug and sell it. Think of it as lending your lawnmower to neighbors, but not to the local landscaping company.

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA): This combines non-commercial use with share-alike rules. Your adorable cat video can be shared and remixed, but not for profit, and new versions must follow the same non-commercial, share-alike rules. It’s like a community garden where everyone can plant and harvest, but nobody’s setting up a veggie stand.

Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND): The Fort Knox of licenses. People can download and share your work as long as they credit you, but they can’t change it or use it commercially. Perfect for when you’ve written the ultimate haiku and want to keep it pristine. It’s sharing, but on your terms—like letting someone read your diary without letting them write in it.

So there you have it: Creative Commons licenses demystified! Whether you're feeling generous or protective, there’s a license to fit your needs. Go forth, share responsibly, and let your creativity shine with a touch of control!



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